Horticultural chronicles: Part 1 – Registering cultivars
Registering new cultivars with scientific authorities and securing patents or trademarks are essential steps in bringing new plant varieties to market. In a previous post, I clarified the distinction between botanical varieties and cultivars. For this first horticultural chronicle, I’ll explore the process of cultivar registration and its significance for
Botanical chronicles: Part 3- Botanical varieties and cultivars
Welcome, fellow garden enthusiasts, to the third part of our journey through the intricate world of botany for gardeners. Within the challenges of gardening and plant collecting, understanding the distinctions between botanical varieties and cultivars is crucial for selecting plants and knowing their origins. In this blog post, I’ll talk
Botanical chronicles: Part 2- All about families
As an amateur gardener, my goal extends beyond mere cultivation. As a dedicated plant collector—peonies being a particular favorite among many—I find immense fascination in understanding the botanical families that define and connect my plants. In this blog post, I will introduce the intricate relationships that bind ornamental and edible
Botanical chronicles: Part 1- Genus and species names
The world of botany is a rich tapestry woven with the threads of exploration, discovery, and the fascinating stories of the individuals who dedicated their lives to understanding the plant kingdom. One intriguing aspect of this botanical journey is the association of names with genus and species. Each plant bears