
Horticultural chronicles: Part 1 – Registering cultivars
Registering new cultivars with scientific authorities and securing patents or trademarks are essential steps in bringing new plant varieties to market. In a previous post, I clarified the distinction between botanical varieties and cultivars. For this first horticultural chronicle, I’ll explore the process of cultivar registration and its significance for

The intriguing world of novelty plants: Beyond just a label
While perusing an online plant catalog recently, I stumbled upon a section featuring “Novelty lilies.” This piqued my curiosity: what exactly did this term signify? Was it a category of lilies I was not aware of, or simply a label intended to intrigue customers? Although I was already familiar with

Botanical chronicles: Part 3- Botanical varieties and cultivars
Welcome, fellow garden enthusiasts, to the third part of our journey through the intricate world of botany for gardeners. Within the challenges of gardening and plant collecting, understanding the distinctions between botanical varieties and cultivars is crucial for selecting plants and knowing their origins. In this blog post, I’ll talk

Splendid panicle hydrangea varieties: Exploring Hydrangea paniculata cultivars in my garden
Hydrangea paniculata, commonly called panicle hydrangea, offers a myriad of cultivars awaiting discovery – each boasting its own unique allure and personality. Gardening enthusiasts, myself included, know that certain plants have an uncanny ability to transform ordinary landscapes into breathtaking havens of beauty. Among these floral enchantments of late summer,