New plants

Daylilies for every day
They may only bloom for a day but their colorful flowers are a must in any garden. Daylilies, also known under their scientific name Hemerocallis, are some of the most interesting plants to include in a perennial garden. In general, they are resilient and easy-to-grow while bringing gracious foliage and

Itoh Peonies: The best of two worlds
The result of crossing herbaceous peonies and tree peonies, Itoh peonies also called intersectional peonies combine the best features of both: [Top photo: Paeonia ‘Impossible Dream’ in my garden] Named for Toichi Itoh, the Japanese peony breeder who first succeeded in hybridizing them, Itoh varieties are not as numerous as

The new garden peonies of 2022
It may take one or two years for newly planted peonies to establish themselves and bloom. Sometimes one has to wait for the third year for them to become prolific bloomers. Here is a photo recap of some of the lovely herbaceous cultivars blooming for the first time in the